VISITNG, TASKI, 2713, Look at the above picture carefully. What does Yudi show to his parents the place interest, Suppose you are Yudi, what will you say to persuade your parents to visit the place what do you think, u”Yudis parents will say?artikan dlm bahas indonesia”

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Look at the above picture carefully. What does Yudi show to his parents the place interest
Suppose you are Yudi, what will you say to persuade your parents to visit the place what do you think
Yudis parents will say?artikan dlm bahas indonesia​



Perhatikan gambar di atas dengan seksama. Apa yang Yudi tunjukkan kepada orang tuanya tentang tempat menarik tersebut

Misalkan Anda adalah Yudi, apa yang akan Anda katakan untuk membujuk orang tua Anda mengunjungi tempat y

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